Thursday, December 10, 2015

2015 Room 12 comments

Thank you Mrs Bhatia for letting me be in your class . I liked learning how to read better. It was very fun. I also liked free choice so we could go on the computers . I love the class most of all.Ava

My favourite learning thing in class was to do reading, writing, and calendar maths. My favourite thing to do out of all the subjects is Reading because it has a lot of activities to do. Thank you for also letting us do calendar math with  a buddy. I loved being in your class. My favourite thing in the class was the computers and IPads. Bye, Bye Mrs. Bhatia- Taylah

My favourite thing was playing on I pad- Floyd

I love the class, but I love Mrs Bhatia- Ezekiel

I like reading because it makes you strong and smart and it is the best- Fidelina

In Room 12 I love doing Reading. I like reading because it makes me understand words that I can’t spell. I like Mrs Bhatia because she lets us go on I Pad and she also lets us have free choice. Reading is fun because we get to do plays – Maryam

I love Room 12 because we get to write stories- Jordan

I like being in Room 12. I like Maths and free choice, computer and Ice blocks and popcorn. You are amazing- Samuel

I like Room 12- it is the best Room ever because we get interesting maths. We play fun games and eat yummy food and play on the I Pad- Lucas

I like doing maths- Mozart

Thank you Mrs Bhatia for teaching me and letting us sing in the morning -Keane

I like Room 12 because we sing a lot of songs. We also like Room 12 because we do a lot of fun activities and games. We have a very good teacher. My favourite thing about Mrs Bhatia is she is very calm and lets us do lots of fun activities- Bruno

Last few days in Room 12

Room 12 students wanted to learn the Indian dance moves performed by Owairaka Indian dance group.
Maryam and Jordan lead the class. Here are some photos.

Picnic day


We had an awesome time today. Picnic day was fun. Children said we got to do so many things.

Monday, December 7, 2015

Rimu Athletics day

Rimu Athletics Results

5 yr old Boys                         
1st  Keisomani
2nd  Vincey
3rd  Richee

5 yr old Girls
1st Charity
2nd Persaies
3rd Mele

6yr old Boys
1st  Masima
2nd  Bruno
3rd  Nuradiin

6yr old Girls
1st  Alodia
2nd  Emacyn
3rd  Chelsy
3rd  Katana

7yr old Boys
1st  Lucas C
2nd  Kyros
3rd  Zjaylon

7yr old Girls
1st  Casey
2nd  Illena
3rd  Sana

“Caught Being Good”
Team D -won a Certificate and a book for showing excellent sportsmanship.

Our Student Voice
Athletics day
Written by Tasfia Room 12
Yesterday morning we went to the field for athletics. When I was there I saw cool fun games with letters in front of them. I also saw little kids, parents and lots of teachers. I even saw shiny yellow sun and long spiky grass. First we played a game with a round tiny ball. All of us were in groups of three except one. Then I heard the whistle blow loudly. I knew it was time for the next awesome activity. I felt warm from the heat of the sun. I also felt the wind blow softly. I wondered how many children were going to win the finals.

Written By Samuel Room 12
Yesterday in the morning I went to play exciting games. I saw children trying their best at running. I was trying my best too. When I was running I was burning as I got out of the race. I was proud of myself. Bruno, Casey and Lucas did good running. They did very well, they came first and second in the race.

Recounts by Room 15
Yesterday we had Athletics at the field.  First Team D went to do the long jump.  Then we played tag with the floating noodles.  Next we did the parachute with Lita.  After that we went to do the gumboot throwing.  Finally we threw the ball at the net and then caught it again.  Kai

Yesterday at the field we had Athletics.  I was in Team E.  First in Team E we played tag.  Next we went to Lita to play colourful parachute.  Then we played the gumboot throw.  Next we play throw the ball and catch.  Finally, I liked the noddle tag game. Persaies.

Many thanks to all our parent helpers.

Thursday, November 19, 2015

Good bye Mrs Talamahina

Good bye and  Good luck  Mrs. Talamahina

We had an amazing 5 weeks of teaching by Mrs Talamahina . She shared some exciting maths activities and class calls to get everyone's attention such as :
macaroni cheese...... Class says, " everybody freeze".
Who lives in a pineapple  under the  sea - class says, " Sponge Bob square pants".
We were very lucky to have Mrs Talamahina.

Athletics day

Our super stars for Athletics day. These students made us feel proud. Well done Casey, Bruno, Lucas and Mozart.

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Get set go with Room 4

Here are photos of children Get Set Go programme. We are learning to balance by keeping our body still.

Friday, September 25, 2015

Rimu disco

We had fun at the disco.

Calendar art

Photos of our calendar art. Order forms will be available at the school office. Please have a look at the display in Room 12's foyer.

Friday, September 18, 2015

Week 10 Algebra

Term 3 week 9
In Algebra we are learning to create, describe and continue a repeating pattern. Children in Room 12 have used their ideas to make patterns.

Monday, September 14, 2015

Term 3 Green day

Term 3 Week 8

Discovery time with Year 5 and 6

Kauri Students are having fun with Year 2 children during Discovery time

Monday, August 31, 2015

Term 3 Week 6

Term 3 Week 6Book Week

Our lovely parents read to us.

Thank you Louise, Sarah, Nia, Tara and Dee

We dressed up as book characters

Thursday, August 20, 2015


Term 3 Week 5
Yay!  gymnastics every Tuesday at 12:10 .
Here are our photos.