Room 12's Te Reo sessions are fortnightly on a Monday ( i.e weeks 2, 4, 6,and 8). We go to Nga Ringa Awhina to learn Te Reo with Whaea Carol.
Next week and the week after ( Weeks 3 & 4)
Our Swimming days are on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday.
Merit Certificate for Room 12 was given to Acelynn .
Today we celebrated Latrell's 6th Birthday. The cake was Yummy.
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This week's Discovery photos
We love exploring different activities in Rooms 10, 11, 12 and 14. We also get to choose outdoor activities like water play, dress ups, chalk drawing and other creative things in and out of the class.
A busy week of learning and fun Room 12! Happy birthday Latrell - thank you for showing kindness by sharing your cake with others. Well done Acelynn - you are showing Manaakitanga and being a super role model. I wonder what adventures you will have next week?