Monday, April 27, 2020

Term 2 Week 3


  1. Kia Ora Room 12. I hope you have all had a lovely long weekend with your family.
    Tallulah your bird house look very colourful, I wonder what kind of birds might come and live in it?
    Bethany it looks like you have been thinking about science with your family, I wonder how you made the rocket blast off? Happy Birthday to you Logan!!! I hope you had a very special day, your party food looks very yummy!

  2. I really enjoyed looking at the photos showing what some of you have been up to! Happy birthday 6th birthday Logan! It looks like you had a good party! Tallulah, it looks like you have worked really hard on your bird house. I think that the bird who gets to live in your bird house will be really lucky! Bethany, your rocket launch looks awesome! I would like to try that at my house!

  3. Hi Room 12. I really enjoyed looking at your home learning activities. Tallulah I loved your birdhouse. Bethany your rocket launch looked very cool!
