Monday, September 6, 2021

Term 3 Week 7 Mon/ Tues


  1. Mālō e lelei Room 12, I hope you all had a lovely weekend. I can see some exciting learning for you to work on. I am going to practise saying the numbers 0-10 in Tongan: noa, taha, ua, tolu, fā, nima, ono, fitu, valu, hiva, hongofulu (hoh-ngoh-foo-loo). I also like the idea of being a scientist by gathering different leaves and writing down what I notice. Have a good day!

  2. Hi Room 12
    I hope you are all having a lovely Tuesday learning from home.
    It is great to see the photos of your writing, maths and art.
    Tinomalu, I like the way you labelled your puppet!
    Umer is looks like you have been using the blog and making sure you get outdoors for exercise, ka pai!
    Olive, fantastic maths, are you counting backwards?

  3. Mālō e lelei R 12
    It is so lovely to see the work some of you have done, remember we love to see your home learning. I wonder if any of you will make a tapa pattern, I think it would be a fun thing to do as you can make it a repeating pattern and use maths to work out some designs. Have fun making some up.

  4. Mālō e lelei Room 12. I really like how you can see your new mahi on your blog and then see what your classmates have shared in the next slide deck. It looks like you've been super busy learning lots of new and exciting things. Are they puppets in some of the pictures? What a cool idea.

  5. Hi room 12, Really enjoyed looking at the great work you are all doing from home
    have a good week.

  6. Tinomalu - you could make some more animals from cardboard and create a puppet play. The stories you could make up! You could get your family to be a character each?
    Iverson - are you a lion?
    Keep sharing your work Room 12. It gives me something to read.
