Monday, September 20, 2021

Term 3 Week 9 Mon / Tues


  1. Morena Room 12, I hope you enjoyed the sunshine on the weekend! I popped out to my garden and weeded around my plants. It was lovely weather! Have fun working on your learning activities. I hope to see some of your work online soon. Kia pai tō rā. (Have a good day.)

  2. Kia ora Room 12. I love the sound of the three truths and one lie idea. I might try that with some of my classes this week. Was it easy to guess when someone was lying?

  3. Kia Ora Room 12
    I know you all enjoy art so I hope you will share some of your bee creations this week. Did you know a bee produces about 1 teaspoon of honey in her lifetime an if you want more bees to visit your garden grow more colour. I have a purple lavender plant in my garden that attracts lots of bees!
