Tuesday, June 22, 2021

Fractions, fractions, fractions!

We had a busy morning thinking, learning and sharing ideas about fractions.  We used puzzles, cubes, playdough and even pictures of insects to show different fractions.  

We love learning about fractions!  


  1. Thank you for sharing these photos with us Mrs Haines. I can see lots of Manawanuitanga - ka pai Room 12!

  2. Hi room 12 Navala from 23. You must of had fun making pizza and doing fractions. Ka pai Room 12 you guys are learning fast.

  3. Good work Room 12, Thank you Karen for sharing the photos.
    Mrs Bhatia

  4. Hi room 12 you look like you love learning fractions
    keep up the good work
    blog you later

  5. Hello Room 12
    It's Sophia here from Room 24
    That is really good learning. That reminds me of what we are doing in class for maths now but just maybe next time leave a question so people can answer it.
    What are you learning next for maths?
    Blog you later.

  6. Kia ora room 12
    Jude here from room 24
    Hope you always get it right if no that's OK
    I remember doing this in this class 3 years ago.
    Why don't you do other fractions as well blog you later
