Tuesday, October 26, 2021

Term 4 Week 2 Tuesday/ Wednesday


  1. Kia Ora Room 12 tamariki
    I can see you will be learning about New Zealand birds this week. One of my favourite birds is the Whio. It is a duck that lives in very fast flowing cold rivers! You can also find a picture of the Whio on our NZ $10 note! You can finds lots of information and facts about NZ birds on the Auckland Zoo website https://www.aucklandzoo.co.nz/animals/birds

  2. Kia ora Room 12, I hope you are all doing well in your bubbles. Wow, there are a lot of exciting activities to choose from. Last night I heard a tui, so I went outside to investigate. The tui was sitting in my neighbour's tree singing a beautiful song. What a fantastic experience!
    Olive - thank you for sharing your learning with us. Super maths work!
